Tuesday 18 November 2014

PLANNING: Treatment

Film Title: Lights Out

The year is 1959. People are still recovering from the events of World War 2. When young Mrs Erica Cliffton had her husband taken from her, because of government secrets, she goes to a private detective, Mr Clyde Boggart, for help. WOMAN describes tells DETECTIVE about what she thinks has happened to her husband and about his clandestine government work. WOMAN believes that her husband is being held against his will at the 'asylum' where this secret government work took place. 

As WOMAN is describing her husbands disappearance it cuts to a voice over and depicts the disgraceful things that are happening in the asylum and depicts the actual kidnapping. DETECTIVE is reluctant to go to the asylum but goes anyway to honour their agreement. 

When DETECTIVE arrives at the asylum he sees that it is completely abandoned and has been for quite some time. He breaks in and discovers hell on earth. He uncovers the secrets that WOMAN'S husband was kidnapped for trying to reveal. In the asylum he sees the what these government secrets have done to people. He spends his time fighting for his life against crazed and tortured victims of secret government experimentation. 

Tuesday 11 November 2014

RESEARCH: How Brands Profile Audiences

RESEARCH: How Brands Profile Audiences

I began by investigating how brands like Kiss Radio and NME Magazine target audiences in preparation for making an audience profile for my AS Foundation Production. I need to devise a plan to reach my target audience.
When it comes to distributing my film, I will create marketing strategies that are personalised to fit my production and the people I believe to be my target audience. There are many ways I could do this, for example, I could create a Facebook page for the film, I could make a film website, I could make a twitter account for the film etc.

Audiences can be segmented and defined by their GEARS 

Region / nationality
Socio-economic group

I did some research on FourFourTwo magazine and the clothing store River Island to help me figure out how brands find their target audience and who buys these goods. I chose these two brands because I think that they are used by same target audience as my movie.

FourFourTwo is a football magazine aimed at teenagers and adults. In my opinion I think that this magazine is aimed for ages from 15-45+. I think this because people under the age of 15 will not enjoy this magazine because it is a more sophisticated football magazine. For people under the age of 15 the football magazine that they would usually refer to is Match which is a more child friendly/orientated magazine with lots of colour and trivia for the readers to take part in. It is aimed at football lovers and fans who want to spend their time reading about the sport that they love thats why I think that there is no age boundary when it comes to the older ages. I think that the target audience for FourFourTwo is people from the Socio-economic Bands A-B. I think this because it is a very sophisticated football magazine which doesn't just cover the brief details of the weekend matches and brief interviews with players it dives into the deep world of football.

River Island is a clothing company that sells very stylish and youth orientated clothes and accessories. I think that the target age group for River Island are people from the age of 13-25. Through my research I have found that other people believe that the target age range is from the age of 18-30. I think that the target audience are people in in the Socio-economic Bands of C2 to B. I think this because all of their products are very reasonably priced. This means that the people from these bands will be able to afford them. The reason I didn't include A is because I think that people from that band will go to more high end fashion retailers like Gucci or Burberry.

I also looked briefly at Kiss Radio and NME Magazine to help me think about my target audiences.
I chose to look at these two brands to help me because they are both very good at identifying their target audiences.