BLOGGER I have used Blogger to research many different things. I have used it to look up tutorials and I have used it to to research different topics with the media world. It is a very useful research tool once you have found the right blog as it accumulates large amounts of information in short blog posts.

MEDIA MAGAZINE I used media magazine to do research on the distribution of the Hunger Games Mocking Jay Part 1.

ART OF THE TITLE is an incredibly useful tool to view all the different types of opening credits. This has really helped my group and I decide how we want our titles/title to come into the movie opening and even given us tips on how to do it.

GOOGLE I have mainly used Google to help me research many different things. I use it to find links to different websites that I have used to teach myself how to edit, how to answer the different evaluation questions and many different things. As it is a very vague search engine it is very useful as it provides you with thousands of different website options to give you the results you need.

PINTEREST I used Pinterest to help gather numerous images connecting to my movie opening. I mainly used it to collect images for a gallery to represent the social groups within my movie opening. Link to pinterest.


GOOGLE DOCS I chose to use this because it is a very easy way for multiple people to work on the same document. This is new technology because it introduces a level interactivity that applications like Microsoft Word and Apple Pages don't offer.

PHONE FOR RECCE I have used my LG Nexus 5 smartphone to take pictures for all of my location recce's. I chose to use my phone because it takes high quality pictures and is very easy to carry around and is much more portable than a big camera.

ANIMOTOI have used many different online applications to create powerpoints, checklists for myself and to create interactive and cool presentations to put on my blog.

TRELLO I have used Trello to create checklists for myself so I don't fall behind on my work. I chose to use Trello because it is an incredibly easy to use online software that allows to design your checklist however you want to. 

Powerpoint/SlideShare I have used SlideShare to create several online powerpoints that easily inputed into Blogger. I used this to neatly and easily present large amounts of information into a small small and eligible powerpoint.

YouTube I used YouTube to help me add videos to my blog as it is the easiet way to upload and share videos to the internet and it is very easy to upload the videos from YouTube to Blogger.


NIKON D5200 As I already had my own camera we decided to use it instead of the ones provided by the school. We made this decision after doing a lesson of research and finding out that my camera was better.

MACBOOK PRO I have used my Macbook Pro for absolutely everything. I have used it to do my research, my planning, editing, communication etc. It is most definitely the most useful tool I have to create our movie opening. Without it this process would be a lot harder.

IMOVIE I have used iMovie to edit different parts of my movie opening. 

Final Cut Pro Final Cut Pro is the main software that we have used for editing our movie opening. We decided to used Final Cut Pro over iMovie because it is slightly more complex and allows you to create slightly more intricate movies.

HUE WEBCAM I used this to create my Ident for my production company. I used this product because it is very easy to use to create a stop motion animation. 

GOPRO I have used a GoPro camera to film a scene in my movie opening. I decided to use this because it made filming one of our scenes much more immersive and a lot easier to film. I also chose to use my GoPro because it is a very good example of New Technology.


YouTube I have used YouTube in my evaluation to present my work online to get feedback from people I know and the general public.

ANIMOTO I used Animoto to create short videos for my different location recces. I decided to do this because there were just too many photos to just have them sitting in one blog post so I added them into an Animoto video.

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