Monday 30 March 2015

Preliminary Task

We planned and filmed a Preliminary Movie in which Ollie is a son being told of by Marcus, his father and then things take a turn for the worse:

When filming our preliminary we used a tripod to ensure a stable camera and to stop the camera shaking when filming. Whilst filming we made sure we were following the guidelines (shown above), demonstrating an understanding of the new and different terms like shot reverse shot and the 180-degree rule. When we had finished filming we carefully picked out the clips that we wanted to use and edited them together to complete the film. We used a few sound effects and a bit of music at the end but we didn't need to modify the sound because when the sounds played there was no speaking. 

What I learned:

By doing this preliminary exercise I learnt many things. The first thing I learnt is that to make a steady film you need to use a tripod. If you don't use a tripod you get a very unstable recording and it looks really bad. I also leant about the effects of different camera angles. For example a low angled shot could connote sadness or doubt but then a high angled shot could connote happiness or heroism.

I didn't really learn anything new when it came to the editing side of things because I already know how to use iMovie but not very effectively. The one thing I did learn about iMovie is the ability to cancel out background noise and stabilise the unstable shots.


  1. A low angle shot = a shot where the camera is low down, looking up, making the character grow in the frame. Therefore it would make a person look more heroic, especially if their arms were raised.
    A high angle shot looks down on a character, diminishing them in the frame.
    I look forward to the completed prelim being posted here.

  2. Good! You worked together well to plan, shoot and edit this preliminary task. I enjoyed the humour! Well done, all three.
