Monday 6 October 2014


The Conjuring (2013)

The genre of this film is horror. It is about a family that move into a new home that is haunted. They then proceed to try and get rid of the spirits that haunt their new home.

In this title sequence the music plays the biggest part in creating a sense of horror. It creates this sense of horror by playing very low and harsh sound trumpets and horns and different instrument to create a dark and eerie sounding tune as the titles and credits appear. The music starts with quite a low intensity but as the title sequence goes on the music gets more and more intense with the introduction of the sound of a women singing in a very screechy voice, crows and drums.

The lack of colour also creates a sense of period and horror as the film is set in 1971. The titles and credits all appear alongside old newspaper articles that show the real people that this film is based on.  

1 comment:

  1. You note the quality of the sound track and its impact on the viewer as well as its effectiveness in signalling genre. You refer briefly to the monochrome imagery and the 'real life' quality of the newspaper articles, photos and documents that make up the sense of an authentic piece of reportage. Did you read the website's comments? It is always useful to do so: "photo negatives are clinically presented by an unseen lecturer. As shadowy fingers move transparencies in and out of frame, layering on the creep factor with each new sheet of acetate, subtle, sometimes troubling changes can be observed."
